
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Order Skinny Fiber

The Subway Diet and Skinny Fiber

Being healthy doesn't mean being HUNGRY or STARVING

Skinny Fiber results are nurtured by healthy eating choices and by controlling your portions. Here is information on the Subway Diet as an 'option" while taking Skinny Fiber. A few customers found it challenging to find foods that encouraged "portion" control. With this duo it helps when you "only" have a six inch sub as opposed to a foot long....hey that's a start....right. I have also included the pros and cons associated with this diet as well. Please share with friends and family.

The Subway Diet is a weight loss plan that’s geared toward both women and men. This diet plan was made popular by Jared Fogel and his weight loss story. Jared dropped 245 pounds eating only Subway sandwiches, and this earned him a roll as the brand’s spokesman. Like other weight reduction programs, the Subway Diet incorporates some exercise. Users are supposed to at least walk daily, in addition to consuming the Subway sandwiches. Naturally there isn’t any kind of money-back guarantee offered with the Subway Diet, nor are there any free trial samples provided by Subway. This is essentially a diet program that involves “fast food.” The keys to the Subway Diet are “portion control” and “low fat meals.” At this point Subway restaurants offer seven different sandwiches that contain six grams of fat or less. In addition, the Subway Diet offers baked chips and water to drink. Condiments such as oil and mayonnaise are avoided, as is cheese. The goal is to only consume a total of 1000 calories each day. Naturally the Subway Diet can be taken advantage of as long as you live near a Subway restaurant. The official Subway website reveals the nutritional value of each sandwich. Prices may vary, depending upon where you live. The only Subway Diet testimonial offered on the website is from Jared Fogel. There aren’t any dietary supplements or pills incorporated into this weight loss plan.

Subway restaurants are easily accessible in most towns and cities across the country. Daily walking/exercise is encouraged with the Subway Diet.

There doesn’t appear to be any actual clinical evidence provided to support the effectiveness of the Subway Diet. Buying 2 Subway sandwiches per day could get expensive. No appetite suppressants are offered with the Subway Diet. The Subway Diet calls for a rather drastic diet/lifestyle change, which may not be suitable for some individuals. The only customer testimonial offered on the official subway website is Jared Fogel’s. There are no convenient fat burners involved with the Subway Diet. Obviously, this is not a diet for those who don’t enjoy the taste of Subway sandwiches. Conclusion Overall, the Subway Diet is rather unique in comparison to the other “fad” diets currently enjoying a surge in popularity. On the bright side, this diet plan encourages regular exercise. However, it’s important to realize that the Subway Diet calls for a total diet/eating change. The notion that only Subway sandwiches can be eaten may discourage some dieters from trying the Subway Diet plan. Finally, there are no appetite suppressants or simple fat burning supplements incorporated into the Subway Diet, nor is there any kind of 100% satisfaction guarantee.


Am I on my way to an eating disorder?

DO I..

  • Weigh myself every day 
  • Skip at least one meal a day 
  • count calories and fat grams every time I eat 
  • exercise because I have to, not because I want to 

While they may seem harmless, those "innocent" habits you're counting on to make you thin - and supposedly happy - can quickly spin out of control and leave you with a serious and potentially life-threatening eating disorder. Living in our culture, it's not surprising if you feel you have to look a certain way to be happy or healthy. You may think that dieting is a normal or even a necessary part of life. However, constant concern about body weight and shape, fat grams and calories can start a vicious cycle of body dissatisfaction and obsession that can take a toll on your mental, emotional and physical well-being. Besides, THINNESS is NOT necessarily HAPPINESS!! Just because you weigh yourself frequently, skip meals, count calories and obsessively exercise doesn't automatically mean you will develop an eating disorder. It does mean that you need to THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING to your body and your life.

Even if you don't have a clinical eating disorder, you may be missing out on living while you spend all your time dieting.
Unhappy with your reflection in the mirror???????? 
  Don't change your body.........change your attitude!!! 
  Skinny Fiber along with healthy choices can change your life.

Victoria has lost 14 inches since July 29th with Skinny Fiber

Victoria D. says: "I (Victoria D.) never struggled with weight as a child, or even in my teenage years, I was always very slim. I put on a few pounds when I started partying in university, I started working out and lost the weight.. which was great until I moved home and stopped working out but kept partying. I went from 140 up to 180 in the small span of 2 years. After I had my daughter I had trouble losing the baby weight and started doing weight watchers when i was 191 pounds. I did great, was losing weight like crazy, eating healthy and exercising again! I was down to 170 pounds in 2 months, and found out I was pregnant. 8 weeks later I heard the news I miscarried and went into severe depression, 6 months later I was lucky enough to get pregnant again, but unfortunately I had the same sad results. I couldn't face myself, didn't really care to deal with my weight because I felt like a failure. I would say I needed to lose weight, but never took any steps to actually do something about it. Starting back in March or April of this year, a few people I know started using Skinny Fiber, and I could see how good they looked, but one in particular who had gone through a hard time recently, I could see how happy she was with herself, and I wanted that! I started my Skinny Fiber journey on July 29th, 2013 and I haven't weighed myself since day 1 but I am down a total of 14 inches! I am feeling better physically, but more importantly I am feeling better about myself! I know I still have a long ways to go, but I am more than ready to face the challenge! Skinny Fiber has changed my life!!" Order yours today at
Tip of the Day: Watch your portion sizes! The amount you eat or drink plays an important role in your energy balance strategy. Please LIKE and SHARE on your wall.

Connie is doing great with Skinny Fiber!

Connie says: "I know others who have had weight loss surgery have questions/concerns. I haven't had any problems taking the Skinny Fiber along with my the other eating changes I had already made. Here is the picture of my first 30 days of success with Skinny Fiber. In 2011, I was at my heaviest and decided it was time to do something about my weight. I don't have pictures to share because I made sure to always be behind the camera. We had a "Biggest Loser" contest at t,he school where i teach and I came in 2nd and lost 16#. I kept it up after the contest and lost 14 more. Then came knee surgery and my exercise of choice, lap swimming, was on hold for several weeks. I went to a local women's fair and picked up some info on weight loss surgery. At that time my progress was stalled and I was still on blood pressure and water meds. My husband and I went to an informational seminar on weight loss surgery and decided to make a consultation appt. with the Dr. Since I lost my mom to complications from diabetes and still had high blood pressure we decided this was a good option. I had the surgery in March, 2012. The weight loss after surgery was great. I feel so much healthier but after 7 months it seemed my body was content with another 65 pounds gone, although that's not where I or my Dr. wanted me to be. I wanted to lose about 25-30 more but it seemed no matter what I did, swimming, elliptical, I was at a standstill. Then i had bi-lateral hernia surgery and the swimming had to stop again. That's when I somehow stumbled upon Heather Johnson's posts. I followed for about a month before deciding to try Skinny Fiber and become a distributor. I have now finished my first bottle and am thrilled with the results. I'm nearly one third to my final goal! Additionally, I am sleeping soundly, waking refreshed, have smoother skin and much more energy. I've even cut 25% off my half mile lap time swimming! Don't wait until tomorrow! Every day you wait is a days delay in improving your health! Do it for yourself and the ones you love!" What are you waiting for ? Order yours at risk free!

How Can I Be Losing Inches, but Not Pounds?

*****READ THIS***** #skinnyfiber #loseweight #weightloss #rhonda Learn more at

Check out Jay's Before & After Results after 3 weeks on Skinny Fiber!

Jay...before and after just 3 weeks on Skinny Fiber!! The belly bloat seems to be the first to go on those that have a problem in that area!! The pink bottle is for guys, too! Order here: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!