
Friday, January 3, 2014

Meet Shannon

Okay first 90 day challenge is complete and I am starting the next 90 days! I feel great about my progress and I am so glad I took my before an after pictures and my measurements because I sure can see and feel the difference!!!

This is what I've noticed since I began taking Skinny Fiber...
-I eat less at meal time because I'm less hungry
-I don't crave sweet, salty or high carb foods in between meals
-I have more energy during the day
-I sleep better at night and feel more rested
-I'm happier and I have a more positive attitude about the way I look

I was very skeptical about Skinny Fiber when I sent for my first bottle because I have tried just about everything there is to try to get the extra weight off, BTW...(It got harder to do when I turned 40). I am proud to say that I am proof that Skinny Fiber really works! Those who know me know that I wouldn't say that if it wasn't true. I was a tight size 18 and I am excited to say that I went to the store and slipped right into a size 14 jeans! By the end of my next 90 day challenge I hope I can get into a size 10, but more importantly I will feel good and be healthy!

I will continue to take Skinny Fiber for the rest of my life because of how healthy it is for you and because it makes me feel SO good inside!

 Start your transformation today

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